Math, Programming, Games, and whatever else I feel like

Let's Write a Browser Engine in Haskell: a lens interlude

Posted on January 20, 2015

This post doesn’t cover any new functionality, instead, we’ll be revisiting some old code and refactoring it to be less awful. In particular, we’ll be using lenses make our nested datatypes less annoying to work with. I’ve tried to record every change I made, but it’s possible I missed something, if you have trouble compiling, look at the github changelog to try to find the issue, and also let me know so I can update this article.

A couple notes on lenses

First: I am not going to attempt to explain lenses in any detail. This tutorial is a decent introduction to what lenses are, but for our purposes it’s enough to know that lenses look and act a lot like accessors in other languages. Lenses compose “backwards” so for example (content . height) will access the height element of the content element of a Dimensions.

Second: Lenses are a pain to read, partly because they compose backwards but also because the lens library includes operators for every situation Edward Kmett could think of (over 100 operators, including such gems as the squid operator (<<<>~) and the cartoon invective operator (^@!?)). We’ll try to avoid readability issues by using a really minimal set of lens functions and operators, namely: (^.) which gives the value of the field a lens accesses, (.~) which assigns a value to the field a lens accesses, (.=) which is (.~) but for the state inside a State monad, (&) which is just flip $ and is used to chain lens operations, (&~) which is (&) inside a State monad, and zoom which “zooms in” on a lens, so if we’re going to perform several operations on the same field, we don’t need to keep writing it.

Adding Lenses to Types

The lens library conveniently provides a template haskell macro to create lenses for a structure, all we need to do is preface all fields we want to derive a lens for with _, and then call makeLenses ''<type name>. The ability to automatically derive lenses is the main reason we’re using the lens library instead of just writing our own simple lenses, if you don’t want to include all the dependencies lens has, you can also use lens-family which has all the operators we’ll be using.

For starters, we’ll derive lenses for NTree in Dom.hs

-- I'm only showing lines that have changed

-- It's not actually mentioned on the page, probably because they thought it
-- was obvious, but you need the TemplateHaskell pragma to use makeLenses
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances, TemplateHaskell#-}

import Control.Lens

data NTree a = NTree { _root :: a, _children :: [NTree a] }

makeLenses ''NTree

Most of our work is going to be in Layout.hs which will look a lot nice by the time we finish.

{-#LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell#-}

import Data.Function (on)

import Control.Lens hiding (children)

data Rect = Rect { _x      :: Float
                 , _y      :: Float
                 , _width  :: Float
                 , _height :: Float }

data Dimensions = Dimensions { _content :: Rect
                             , _padding :: EdgeSize
                             , _border  :: EdgeSize
                             , _margin  :: EdgeSize }

data EdgeSize = EdgeSize { _left   :: Float
                         , _right  :: Float
                         , _top    :: Float
                         , _bottom :: Float }

makeLenses ''Rect
makeLenses ''Dimensions
makeLenses ''EdgeSize

-- here we use (.~) to pass contBlock with its height value set to 0
layoutTree :: StyledNode -> Dimensions -> Either T.Text LayoutBox
layoutTree root contBlock = buildLayoutTree root >>=
                            flip layout (contBlock & content.height.~0)

-- only one line has changed in buildLayoutTree
buildLayoutTree :: StyledNode -> Either T.Text LayoutBox
anonify = concatMap mergeInlines . groupBy ((&&) `on` isInline)

-- here we use a lens to get rid of the ugly nested pattern match
layout :: LayoutBox -> Dimensions -> Either T.Text LayoutBox
layout l contBlock = case l^.root._2 of
    BlockNode  _   -> layoutBlock contBlock l
    InlineNode _   -> undefined
    AnonymousBlock -> undefined

-- the next few function have changed significantly, and several parts
-- have been pulled out into their own things

auto = Keyword "auto"
zero = Length 0 Px

calcWidth :: Dimensions -> LayoutBox -> Either T.Text LayoutBox
calcWidth contBlock rt = do
    style <- getStyledElem rt
    vals  <- lookupSideVals rt
    let w               = fromMaybe auto $ value style "width"
        total           = sum $ map toPx (w:vals)
        underflow       = contBlock^.content.width - total
        (margins,vals') = splitAt 2 vals
        (w',ml',mr') = checkUnderflow w underflow $ checkAutoMargins margins w total

        [w'',ml,mr,blw,brw,plf,prt] = map toPx (w':ml':mr':vals')

-- did you know you can use semicolons in haskell?
    return $ rt &~ zoom (root . _1) (do
        content.width .= w''
        padding.left  .= plf; padding.right .= prt
        border.left   .= blw; border.right  .= brw
        margin.left   .= ml ; margin.right  .= mr)

    checkAutoMargins [x,y] w total
          | w /= auto && total > contBlock^.content.width = (check x,check y)
          | otherwise = (x,y)
        where check a = if a == auto then zero else a

    checkUnderflow w uflow (mlf,mrt) = case (w == auto, mlf == auto, mrt == auto) of
        (False,False,False) -> (w , mlf, Length (toPx mrt + uflow) Px)
        (False,False,True)  -> (w , mlf, Length uflow Px)
        (False,True,False)  -> (w , Length uflow Px    , mrt)
        (False,True,True)   -> (w , Length (uflow/2) Px, Length (uflow/2) Px)
        (True,_,_)          ->
            let l = if mlf == auto then zero else mlf
                r = if mrt == auto then zero else mrt
             in if uflow >= 0  
                then (Length uflow Px,l,r)
                else (zero,l,Length (toPx r + uflow) Px)

-- I pulled out the lookup functions since they took up a lot of space,
-- and gave them nice descriptive names

lookupSideVals :: LayoutBox -> Either T.Text [Value]
lookupSideVals rt = do
    style <- getStyledElem rt
    return $ map (\a -> lookup style a zero)
        [ ["margin-left"       , "margin"]
        , ["margin-right"      , "margin"]
        , ["border-left-width" , "border-width"]
        , ["border-right-width", "border-width"]
        , ["padding-left"      , "padding"]
        , ["padding-right"     , "padding"] ]

lookupVertVals :: LayoutBox -> Either T.Text [Float]
lookupVertVals rt = do
    style <- getStyledElem rt
    return $ map (toPx . (\a -> lookup style a zero))
        [ ["margin-top"         , "margin"]
        , ["margin-bottom"      , "margin"]
        , ["border-top-width"   , "border-width"]
        , ["border-bottom-width", "border-width"]
        , ["padding-top"        , "padding"]
        , ["padding-bottom"     , "padding"] ]

calcPosition :: Dimensions -> LayoutBox -> Either T.Text LayoutBox
calcPosition contBlock rt = do
    [mt,mb,bt,bb,pt,pb] <- lookupVertVals rt
    let d = rt^.root._1
    return $ rt &~ zoom (root . _1) (do
        content.x.= contBlock^.content.x
                  + d^.margin.left
                  + d^.border.left
                  + d^.padding.left
        content.y.= contBlock^.content.y
                  + contBlock^.content.height
                  + pt + bt + mt .= pt; padding.bottom .= pb  .= bt; border.bottom  .= bb  .= mt; margin.bottom  .= mb)

layoutChildren :: LayoutBox -> Either T.Text LayoutBox
layoutChildren rt = do
    (dim,cs) <- foldM foo (rt^.root._1,[]) $ rt^.children
    return $ rt &~ root._1.= dim &~ children.= cs
    foo :: (Dimensions,[LayoutBox]) -> LayoutBox -> Either T.Text (Dimensions,[LayoutBox])
    foo (d,acc) c = do
        c' <- layout c d
        return (d & content.height+~ marginBoxHeight (c'^.root._1), acc ++ [c'])

calcHeight :: LayoutBox -> Either T.Text LayoutBox
calcHeight rt = do
    s <- getStyledElem rt
    case value s "height" of
        Just (Length h Px)  -> return $ rt & root._1.content.height.~ h
        Nothing             -> return rt

marginBoxHeight :: Dimensions -> Float
marginBoxHeight dim = (marginBox dim)^.height

getStyledElem :: LayoutBox -> Either T.Text StyledNode
getStyledElem rt = case rt^.root._2 of
    BlockNode  s   -> Right $ NTree s []
    InlineNode s   -> Right $ NTree s []
    AnonymousBlock -> Left "Error: attempted to access the nonexistant\
                           \ StyleNode of an AnonymousBlock"

expandedBy :: Rect -> EdgeSize -> Rect
expandedBy rec edge = rec &~ do
                          x -= edge^.left
                          y -= edge^.top
                          width  += (edge^.left + edge^.right)
                          height += (edge^.top + edge^.bottom)

paddingBox :: Dimensions -> Rect
paddingBox d = (d^.content) `expandedBy` (d^.padding)

marginBox :: Dimensions -> Rect
marginBox d = borderBox d `expandedBy` (d^.margin)

borderBox :: Dimensions -> Rect
borderBox d = paddingBox d `expandedBy` (d^.margin)

Now that we’re using lenses throughout our layout tree, we’ll need to update Painting.hs and tests.hs as well.

-- Painting.hs

import Control.Lens

paint :: LayoutBox -> Rect -> Canvas
paint root bounds = let dlist  = buildDisplayList root
                        canvas = newCanvas w h
                        w = fromInteger . floor $ bounds^.width
                        h = fromInteger . floor $ bounds^.height
                    in F.foldl' paintItem canvas dlist

buildDisplayList :: LayoutBox -> DisplayList
buildDisplayList = F.foldMap renderLayoutBox

renderBorders :: (Dimensions,BoxType) -> DisplayList
renderBorders (dim,ty) = maybe mempty renderBorders' (getColor ty "border-color")
    renderBorders' color = V.fromList $ map (SolidColor color) [l, r, t, b]
    bbox = borderBox dim
    bdr  = dim^.border
    l = bbox & width.~ bdr^.left
    r = bbox & x+~ bbox^.width - bdr^.right
             & width.~ bdr^.right
    t = bbox & height.~ bdr^.top
    b = bbox & y+~ bbox^.height - bdr^.bottom
             & height.~ bdr^.bottom

paintItem :: Canvas -> DisplayCommand -> Canvas
paintItem cs (SolidColor color rect) = updateChunk cs (x0,x1) (y0,y1) color
    x0 = clampInt 0 (w-1) (rect^.x)
    y0 = clampInt 0 (h-1) (rect^.y)
    x1 = clampInt 0 (w-1) (rect^.x + rect^.width - 1)
    y1 = clampInt 0 (h-1) (rect^.y + rect^.height - 1)
    w = asFloat $ wdth cs
    h = asFloat $ hght cs
    asFloat = fromInteger . toInteger

-- tests.hs
import Control.Lens

contBlock = defaultDim & content.width.~800 & content.height.~168

paintpng = paintpng' s d
    (Right d) = PS.parseHtml pnghtml
    (Right s) = parseCSS pngcss
    paintpng' s d = do
      let st = styleTree d s
      lyt <- layoutTree st contBlock
      let vec = pixels $ paint lyt (contBlock^.content)
      return $ generateImage (\x y-> c2px $ vec V.! (x + (y * 800))) 800 168
    c2px (Color r g b _) = PixelRGB8 r g b

Finally, update hubert.cabal to add our lens dependency

executable hubert
  main-is:             Main.hs
  other-modules:       Dom,

  -- other-extensions:    
  build-depends:       base >=4.7 && <5,
                       unordered-containers >=0.2 && <0.3,
                       mtl >= 2.2.1,
                       text >=,
                       parsec == 3.1.*,
                       lens >= 4.6

Test-Suite hunit-tests
  type:             exitcode-stdio-1.0
  main-is:          tests.hs
  other-modules:    Dom,
  build-depends:    base >= 4.7 && < 5,
                    unordered-containers >=0.2 && <0.3,
                    mtl >= 2.2.1,
                    text >=,
                    HUnit >=,
                    parsec == 3.1.*,
                    vector >=,
                    JuicyPixels >=,
                    lens >= 4.6
  hs-source-dirs:   tests,
  default-language: Haskell2010

At this point, everything should compile and run correctly. We’ve used lenses to make the deeply nested updates in Layout.hs somewhat less awful to read, and we should be set until Robinson updates again.

As usual, you can find the source for this post here and the source for Robinson here.